Category: social

Here you are. Your tastes are sophisticated. Your choices are unusual. Inception didn’t blow your mind back in the day. And yet, people still fail to acknowledge you’re interesting and it’s all just “Look, here’s Jake he’s a bit odd but alright kind of guy”. Here’s a simple checklist to show you’re not just a plebeian consumer, but in fact a stud of knowledge


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Kitchen Scales.

N: …I made someone buy kitchen scales like that for me. So at one point I asked my ex to bake me a cake. I didn’t have a measuring scale, I could just about do it without.

A: I wouldn’t do that, that’s not my style, cup measurements are imprecise…although you can make yourskshire pudding.
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Good Bad or Indifferent.


Alright, so I didn’t learn my lesson.

I did, but not really, not when the same story had a different beginning.

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I used to have this friend…

…the kind I shouldn’t have been friends with.

It’s a friend you have out of low self-esteem.

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Life is just so depressing.

Have you heard about Trump? Awful. The awfulest.

And North Korea. People walking in lines and the government making money off tourists because how else are they going to make money exactly? Exactly.

And the lack of women’s rights in some countries, and the pay gap? Horrible.

At least France didn’t choose Le Pen, but UK has fucked itself with the referendum.

Canned air is being sold to China because their slave labour factories pollute too much.

Journalists are still being jailed and killed in Russia.

Africa? Still a war-torn mess. And south Asia. There’s still technically war in it.

Brazil? Corruption. Definitely.

It’s just awful everything is going to shit and there’s nothing we can do about it, and corporations are killing our children with the gay agenda and our food is poisoned to make us addicted to avocado and dont you see that these people who is are conspiracy to take over the world OVER THE WORLD CAN YOU HEAR ME OH GODS CAN YOU HEAR ME CAN ANYONE HEAR MY life is just so depressing.

Imagination vs Drugs

Comments on an abstract animation music video on youtube.

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Tesla solar roof

[Conversation heard in a sauna and delivered as authentically as possible.]

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The Black Dress
