Category: Uncategorized

Why do you hate this roast?

A photo of a plate with roast meat, baked carrots, cauliflower and a yorkshire pudding.

Sometimes, you just want a sunday roast prepared by someone else.

Sometimes, for this very reason, you go – on a sunday – to a reputable ‘italian’ restaurant and see that the roast in question is on the menu. Obviously, you order the roast, since this is what you wanted.

You sit there, observing the faux wood paneling on the walls, the orange lamps and 70s looking tables whilst the food is being prepared. You see people coming in for their sunday lunch, hear them say things like “ooh, that’ll be lovely” and “I love a good pasta” and so on and so on. Eventually, your food is brought out. And you see it on the plate. The food looks at you. You look back at the food. And you fucking hate it.

You can forgive the generic industrial yorkshire pudding. You can sort of tolerate the boiled vegetables. Your eyes come across the mushy potatoes and your patience starts slipping. The overall appeal shatters at the meat. It was meat once, probably. However, after being subjected to some kind death by a microwave, it is more reminiscent of crushed chalk that was coloured then re-shaped into food-like substance.

And you see all this and you hate it. You hate it because it’s bad. You hate it because it is what it is supposed to be, and if there was another person instead of you at this table, they would’ve said “what a lovely bit of roast dinner”. You hate it because you can make this better yourself. You hate it because you spent your time going to this restaurant based on somebody else’s recommendation when you knew better. You hate how isolated in your taste it makes you feel.

Sometimes a roast is not just a roast, but something that’s bigger than the sum of its parts. And sometimes you hate all the parts and their sum both of because of they are and what they are not. In this case, nothing about this roast is good and that’s why you hate it.

LaCroix Office Interior Review.

Sebastian LaCroix is a Ventrue Prince of Los Angeles, associated with Camarilla. In simpler terms he’s a powerful vampire that has businesses in human world. He resides in a building that bears the family name in a very fancy office mostly decked in gold.

The more I think about it, the more striking is the resemblance between an ex president of USA and our guy becomes.

Donald Trump's living room.

The office is huge and imposing. It’s technically richly decorated and yet very sparse. The space has a sense of liminality to it – it’s as if the old owner was kicked out along with the brick-a-brac but the walls remained.

Initially, the space around the room screams opulence. The rich cream and gold curtains play off the grand chandelier and gold accents lining the ceiling and the azure wallpaper. The empty window tables are clearly missing grand ceramic flower vases. It makes little sense for a vampire to have fresh cut flowers, as they normally they are associated with the alive but then we don’t really know if that choice is due to vampirism or personality. I would say that the empty tables downgrade the overall look – they could have easily been replaced with torcheres to keep the design complete yet inorganic.

It is also worthwhile to mention that the carpeting is awful – a thin strip running from the lift and back and couple of rugs too small for their floor sections. The small step just after the carpet ends is also a weird safety hazard – it’s not tall enough to properly elevate the platform and only seems to create a harsh divide in the space with no seeing benefits.

I do want to tip my hat of appreciation towards the completely extra columns that serve to create smaller rooms on the right and the left hand side.

View left of centre

To the left from the entrance we see a fireplace. As fire is bad news for a vampire, this could serve as another power indicator – akin to a tame jaguar. The presence of a fire could also instill slight sense fear and discomfort in the vampire visitors. The space is well complemented by a discussion table with chesterfield style armchairs.

Above the fireplace hangs the original (presumably) of “Sleep and his Half-Brother Death” by Waterhouse, a surprisingly Romantic choice for a vampire however, since death is part of the painting, it checks out.

Looking opposite to the right side of the room – it’s a disaster: back to back sofas facing the wall or the middle walkway, empty display shelves and bizarre lighting choice ending in dead zones in each corner. It’s as if someone removed a plastic tap after moving, but not bothered to arrange the furniture.

View to the right of centre

However, the real pièce de résistance of the room are the six paintings.

Four of the painting are depictions of Cain killing Able by Rubens, Titian, Josep Vergara and Pietro Novelli. Cain in this universe was the vampire progenitor after the famous incident of murdering his brother with a donkey jaw and being punished by the God, and the presence of the paintings is therefore is pretty self explanatory.

Interestingly the other two paintings are of french origins – “Louis XVI dressed as a Roman Emperor” Unknown, a “Chancellor Seguir” by Charles Le Brun. “La Croix” is a french sounding name (meaning: the cross) and Louis XVI was the last king of France summarily guillotined in public. Putting two together implies there’s a chance that La Croix family was connected/part of french royalty which was picked by Ventury to continue the vampire bloodlines.

All in all, cool office, isn’t it?

7 Universal Truths

Have You reached complete and utter success? Are you satisfied with the limited monotonous life you live daily? Do you feel like there is more to society than meets the eye?

Esteemed professor of Burnt K. Jung invites you to open the key to the fabric of universal success. Because he knows the Truth after a long and hard life of researching buddaist monks of the world.

And best of all, he’s willing to let you purchase that knowledge for mere 12.99 out of the goodness of his own heart.


A pink rose lying alone on a wooden log.

I am sick of desperate single women looking for a boyfriend. They keep emailing me of all people, and I don’t see my invoices for passing their details to an actual matchmaking agency being paid.
Lonely Asian, cute russian, colombian & local, ones that want a splendit nigthtimes of disorder, to be out of control in bed, ones that crave to experience a crazy orgasm – you name it.

And what is with the desperation? Desperation isn’t cute. It’s not sexy. It’s 2019 – you can have as many tv shows as you can eat, you can volunteer, or if you can’t afford to travel to remote volunteering locations after work because you live in isolated suburbs – you can have a side gig in copywriting. (‘Side hustle’ for my american readers) There’s so much to do that finding yourself a man is neither necessary financially nor emotionally efficient in the current political landscape.

Of course, if you really need a man, sis, and if your main selling point is your zesty images of UR ideal body and tasty back in your profile! Also that Y’re twenty three YO . Go ahead, finish that tiresome solitude. Who run the world, etc.

What really bugs me is that I have never seen offers from a l0nely single mAn available for dating in my local area, asian or otherwise. Not once! And I know there are desperate men. And I know they sit on twitter, or tinder or are watching Rick & Morty or getting for the night out every friday wearing the only shirt and suit pants they own. And I really think they are missing the trick here!

If only they emailed me that they are looking for care. If only one of them promised to show me his excellent body figure, and much more! That can be viewed in his personal profile at IF only they said that they are even willing to kiss me.

Well. Suffice to say they won’t need to feel l0nely and they will get a newish feelings: they won’t cannot be alone further ever again.

As things stand at the very least I have the option to treat chronic back pain with CBD oil and buy a 12000 lumens flashlight, washing my s0liptude down with a risk-free-Keto-bottle.

Science and Empiricism

Sadness is empirical. Science is not…so much. Rationality and intellectualism are more of an aesthetic than men care to admit. When confronted by emotions they try to fit them into a box ‘of reason’ – hacksawing the limbs with ‘logic’, despite it being obvious for anybody looking that a bleeding heart cannot be rationalised away.

I can draw graphs too.


TouchPad Review


Interviewer: How did you find the Touchpad?

13HourCafe:  One day I was on internet (as one does) and I was looking for a small programmable keyboard. Upon filtering out super backlit, super gaming, super huge as and super expensive options I stumbled on TouchPad’s kickstarter and was instantly taken by the neatness, nay, slickness of the look of this thing. I actually missed the kickstarter and waited until it was in stock to buy, but nobody cares about that.

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Finest Buns

– M’Lady! Our time together has finally come! As destiny couples us in this ride across the universe my heart leaps form joy at the mere thought of your offers. Madame, I have decided! I desire your finest buns, charred as lightly as  a sparrow’s shadow, and upon it your moist, delectable fränkfürtёr that is so lovingly cooked to it’s juicy perfection. And oh! Please, M’lady, easy on the onions.

– …Do you want a drink with that?


Diet culture is crazy. It’s not a recent phenomenon, of course – it has been with people since people have turned into society. Physical aesthetic has changed wildly over the centuries – you can see it reflected in our art and our media. The change probably has correlated with food availability and/or the rise of consumerism that played on our insecurities.

I personally believe that diet culture is bad – as a culture. There’s nothing inherently wrong with dieting, in order to get yourself a healthier you, mind. My problem is with ‘the culture’ of it. There are insane number of diets shared all over the internet – which are rarely based on solid scientific evidence – supported by a number of  ‘nutritionists’ – a term not subject to professional regulation – that work on the basis of selling you a dream of healthier you, instead of making you healthier.

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