

Diet culture is crazy. It’s not a recent phenomenon, of course – it has been with people since people have turned into society. Physical aesthetic has changed wildly over the centuries – you can see it reflected in our art and our media. The change probably has correlated with food availability and/or the rise of consumerism that played on our insecurities.

I personally believe that diet culture is bad – as a culture. There’s nothing inherently wrong with dieting, in order to get yourself a healthier you, mind. My problem is with ‘the culture’ of it. There are insane number of diets shared all over the internet – which are rarely based on solid scientific evidence – supported by a number of  ‘nutritionists’ – a term not subject to professional regulation – that work on the basis of selling you a dream of healthier you, instead of making you healthier.

It’s also an easy sell, “do this and you will be better/healthier/thinner” that can be made into books, classes, and ‘freebie’ introduction videos. There is an appeal to out natural laziness: “look, here is a solution to a problem that you kind of want to deal with, but don’t really want to spend time researching.”, and an easy out if the diet doesn’t work: “it’s just not for you”.

…And if you ask yourself, why doesn’t it work? Am I doing something wrong? Don’t worry, there are plenty of youtube videos that come to your rescue. Let’s take a look at some:

The sheer choice is overwhelming. And what I really want is an algorithm that collates everything these people say into one, simple and manageable table to actually be able to learn something new and interesting about physiology and health, instead of having to go through this garbage fire manually.
