Tag: dialogues

Prosecco ham, brie & cranberry sandwich

Two women approach an outdoor café table.


Older Woman: Maybe here ? Do we need to come up to the counter?

Younger Woman: No, they come to the table, mum, just sit down – it says right there on the sign.

Mum [sitting down with relief]: Ooft, I think that should be a bottle of wine. It’s a good day for a bottle of wine. Or maybe even…prosecco? Do they have prosecco?

Younger Woman: Oh yes, a bottle of wine would be nice.

Mum: What do you think you’re going to get Jackie? They have A –vocado toast on the menu there. I think I’ll have the prosecco ham, brie and cranberry sandwich – that sounds very nice.  

Jackie:  Maybe the avocado toast, I am not sure.

[Pause where they both look at their phones]

Hostess:  Good afternoon ladies, can I have your contact details?

Mum: Oh yes, it’s Aierdrie, A-i-e-r-d-r-i-e and I can never remember this phone number-

Jackie: -Let me – it’s 077…. That shall be your little task for later mum! Memorise the phone number.

Hostess: What would you like?

Mum: I will be having the ham, brie and cranberry sandwich.

Jackie: Do you have a menu?

Hostess: It’s there on the board, behind –

Jackie: Ah, I see, I will take a look [stands up to take a look]  

Mum: Do you do wine by the bottle?

Hostess: Yes, three choices. I have a red – it’s a Malbec from Argentina, and Pinot Grigio –

Mum: Yes, I think we will be having that.

Hostess: Great, just a moment [she leaves to bring an ice bucket with an Italian Pinot Grigio]

Jackie [with suspicion]: Is it Spanish?

Hostess: No, it is Italian.

Mum: She’s only got three bottles here, Jackie.

Jackie: ah, allright. I will be having a falafel and hummus wrap please. [Hostess leaves]

Mum: So, what did you go for? I thought you wanted the A -vocado?

Jackie: I went for falafel and hummus wrap I quite like falafel I just don’t get it very often. What do you think you’re getting?

Mum: I think it’s like what that lady over there has.


Jackie: Did you see the birthday cake Sharon had?

Mum: Yes, quite a good looking cake, wasn’t it.

Jackie: I hope her work goes well.


Mum [looking over to the space across the bench in the shade, currently occupied by a lady with a notebook]: It’s very sunny here, are you ok over there Jackie? It’s very warm.

Jackie: Yes, I am really enjoying the sun.

Mum: [muttering] Can’t move much because of the social distancing thing. [To Jackie] It is really a nice day, quite hot out, we rarely get days like these.

Jackie: Yes that was quite a nice walk we did today. Ah, here comes the food.

P.s. The ‘brown seeded bread’ for the sandwich was awfully generic shite with not enough brie, but the off-menu margarita was nice.

Hello, could I get to unit 5 in the industrial estate please?

Me: Hello, could I get to unit 5 in the industrial estate please?

TaxiDriver: That the one in Hillington?

Me: I’m not sure, I’ve never been there before.

Taxi: Aah, the hairdressers is in that one, Iknow

Me: Actually… yes, there is a hairdressers’ there.

Taxi: Well I know I mean thatstheonlythingthatsther’


Taxi: You women send too much on hair, what you gonna spend there? £40…£60?

Me: … Well, I get my hair done once a year so I don’t mind.

Taxi: Us menfolk don’t notice athing anyway, we don’t know what women hair make up is, if she’s wearing different clothes anything, anything

Me: I…um…it’s only once a year…

Taxi: See when I look at my wife, I don’t need to look, she asks me, she asks “how do I look” and I don’t need to look I say “You look beautiful”. She has cancer, my wife.

Me: Oh. My sympathies. Is she getting treatment?

Taxi: Ooh yes yes, she’s been having whatjamacallit chromotherapy

Me: That’s good to hear. It’s amazing what doctors can do.

Taxi: Oh yes, I had keyhole surgery on my heart couple year back. They couldn’t do it years back, then arteries clogged up they’ve had to operate now they can just put this thing and it thins the blockage and pop! it just passes through, no need to operate.

Me: That’s great…

Taxi: My son gets embarrassed about these tings easily, its quitefunny I tell a, he had an operation on his groin you see, and the nurse looked at him and said “ooh that’s a big boy he is” and he got all embarrassed.


Well… nurses and doctors have such strange sense of humour, don’t they? They must see this kind of stuff all the time.

 Taxi: Ooh yes yes, she didn’t tell him “oh that’s a small boy”, she told him “oh that’s a big boy” she did, ha ha. Here we are pal, the hairdressers’ just oer there.

Me: Thanks.

I waited until the taxi left to go to the other door.

Unsatisfactory Endings

M: I recently have accepted and have even begun to enjoy the fact that endings to films and books don’t have to be perfect.

A: Lol, I learned that when I was nine.

M: ….really. What film moved you so much?

A: I don’t remember. I was nine.


– Life is essentially meaningless. We will all die, probably in a stupid way, and not a single person will remember us as we want to be remembered. We live in a universe of endless possibilities and statistically probable coincidences, where every day we have to chose whether to face the void or do our taxes, where every day we struggle against conflicting opinions and contradictory information…we live in this universe – and you still want to pretend to me that this job you’re doing really matters?

– Look, fine, I’ll go out with you to lunch.


K: Is there anything to do around here for lunch?

D: No, there’s bloody nothing around here.

A: That’s just not true!

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Kitchen Scales.

N: …I made someone buy kitchen scales like that for me. So at one point I asked my ex to bake me a cake. I didn’t have a measuring scale, I could just about do it without.

A: I wouldn’t do that, that’s not my style, cup measurements are imprecise…although you can make yourskshire pudding.
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