Tag: MTI


– Life is essentially meaningless. We will all die, probably in a stupid way, and not a single person will remember us as we want to be remembered. We live in a universe of endless possibilities and statistically probable coincidences, where every day we have to chose whether to face the void or do our taxes, where every day we struggle against conflicting opinions and contradictory information…we live in this universe – and you still want to pretend to me that this job you’re doing really matters?

– Look, fine, I’ll go out with you to lunch.


K: Is there anything to do around here for lunch?

D: No, there’s bloody nothing around here.

A: That’s just not true!

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Department of minor technical inconveniences (MTI).

MTI was created with one idea in mind: Profit.

P r o f i t.

Director Craig Stanton got his position in Antar Corp through listening to people. He was one of the few senior managers in history who wasn’t a founding member or a cut-throat on his way to become a shareholder. People under him respected him, he was faithful to his wife, spend quality time with his children and did E only once at a university party – decades ago, never touching anything stronger than tea in his day to day life.

His ideas didn’t make extraordinary profits, in fact his ideas made ordinary profits. Constant ordinary profits. The genius of Mr. Stanton was that he really paid attention to people, even people like Sean.

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