
TouchPad Review


Interviewer: How did you find the Touchpad?

13HourCafe:  One day I was on internet (as one does) and I was looking for a small programmable keyboard. Upon filtering out super backlit, super gaming, super huge as and super expensive options I stumbled on TouchPad’s kickstarter and was instantly taken by the neatness, nay, slickness of the look of this thing. I actually missed the kickstarter and waited until it was in stock to buy, but nobody cares about that.

I: What does it look and feel like?
13: A high end PCB. You need to get over the…unprotectedness of the design? The back is not cased, so I keep drinks on the other end of my desk for sure. It feels smooth, keys have a light buzzy feedback that’s not too loud. The leds are pleasantly blue.

I: What are you using it for?
13: I literally bought it for being about to press one button ctrl+c/v/z/s since working in excel a lot recently. I’m not going to use it just for that, but that’s its current primary function.

I: Any criticisms?
13: Cable provided isn’t soft which means it needs replaced with a softer one – this matters because the keypad is a little bit temperamental surface wise and cannot be angled easily otherwise.

I: What do you like about it?
13: User interface? Can I even call it that? Key programming is easy if you follow it through: even if you press a bunch of keys the first time by mistake and end up with questionable key combinations it can be easily rectified on re-loading.

Nothing stupidly flashes for no apparent reason (I’m still annoyed at the bluetooth keyboard I once got for a tablet, because SOMEONE thought it was a good idea to use flashing to signify it’s connected. Eww).

Other benefits:

It’s stylish looking.
It’s small (size of of palm).
It does short cuts like I want it to.

Interviewer: Conclusive thoughts?
13HourCafe: Would I recommend this to a very specific demographic of people who don’t already have programmable keyboards that they are too lazy to program and work a lot with computers, specifically having memorized a lot of short cuts and use said shortcuts a lot? Yes. Yes I would.


£60 0f your earthly pounds somewhere here:


P.s. post not sponsored, interview fictional, review real.